Medicine increasingly pays attention to diseases of the urogenital system associated with an infection with chlamydia bacteria, because young people most often suffer from this infection. During the greatest sexual activity, sexual partners do not always care about protection during sex, in view of this the number of cases of chlamydia infection increases every year.
Some pelvic inflammatory diseases caused by chlamydia require the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. Studies show that chlamydia trachomatis after penetration into the human body may cause a variety of serious health problems, including many urogenital disorders, such as:
- urethritis;
- cervicitis;
- urogenital chlamydiosis;
- lymphogranuloma venereum.
Mainly, this bacterial infection is sexually transmitted, for example after unprotected sex with a partner infected with chlamydia. Antibiotics for chlamydia treatment should be started to use as soon as possible to stop the disease at an early stage.
To prevent the disease spread, be sure to tell your sexual partner that you have a bacterial infection caused by chlamydia. Your partner may also need to use antibiotics, and sexual relations should be stopped until full recovery.
Sometimes, chlamydia infection can be asymptomatic and the person may even not know that he is sick and it is extremely difficult to diagnose this bacterial disease in such cases. Treatment of urogenital diseases caused by chlamydia using antibiotics is not always successful. This infectious disease may last for a long time with the development of numerous complications, for example:
- infertility;
- erectile dysfunction;
- intrauterine infection.
Chlamydia is often resistant to antibacterial drugs of the penicillin class, so patients can be prescribed with ERY-PED tablets containing erythromycin ethylsuccinate. Many experts argue that use of Azithromycin against chlamydia is not always successful, but there is also confirmed data that a therapy course with this antibiotic can be effective for some patients.
Chlamydia can be transmitted to infants if the mother has an untreated infectious disease. Infants should be carefully examined when there is a risk of bacterial infection and the suitable treatment should be provided if the disease symptoms occur.
To identify the bacterial infection, an integrated approach to the chlamydia diagnosis is needed. Antibiotics for chlamydia treatment help patients to get rid of the infection, but various microbiological methods to evaluate the therapy effectiveness are necessarily used after the treatment course.