Each person heard about the term “blood pressure” at least once in his life. It is one of the most important indicators of the state of human health and his heart function.
It is established that blood pressure can change several times throughout the day and this does not particularly affect the physical condition of a person. Therefore, people may not feel it rising or falling in most cases.
The only way to determine what blood pressure you have – whether it is elevated, normal or low – is measuring it using arterial tonometry.
What the numbers on the tonometer display show
During the day, the values of blood pressure can vary, responding to the needs of the body. Therefore, it is important to measure blood pressure in a calm state.
To measure blood pressure, people use arterial tonometer sensors, which can be mechanical, electronic, automatic, semi-automatic, with a cuff that is placed around the upper arm or around the wrist.
At home, people mostly use upper-arm automated blood pressure measuring systems. These devices are convenient and easy to use.
Blood pressure is a dynamic quantity that varies with each cardiac cycle. It shows even minor changes in the needs of certain organs and systems.
Blood pressure measurement results show two values – systolic and diastolic.
Systolic blood pressure is called the highest blood pressure on the walls of the arteries during a heart contraction. The peak pressure depends on a combination of several factors, including the systolic heart volume and the hydrostatic pressure of the blood column.
In healthy people, the value of a normal systolic blood pressure is up to 140 mmHg.
Diastolic blood pressure is the lowest level that the blood pressure reaches in the large arteries at the time of the heart relaxation. The lowest pressure is determined mainly by the heart rate.
The value of normal diastolic blood pressure is up to 90 mmHg.
Knowing the quantities of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, you can calculate the pulse blood pressure, which allows you to assess the risk of cardiovascular outcomes, especially in middle-aged and elderly people.
Normal blood pressure
At birth, the baby’s blood pressure level is 80/50 mmHg. Then, it gradually rises to the level, which is normal for an adult, 120/80 mmHg.
With regard to which blood pressure is considered normal, the clinical practice currently recognizes the following levels:
- the upper number of 91 to 139 mmHg.
- the bottom number of 61 to 89 mmHg.
Normal blood pressure is considered an indicator of good health. Thus, each person has his normal blood pressure range.
What is hypotension?
Low blood pressure (hypotension) is a state of a person when during the blood pressure measuring, the tonometry sensor shows figures below 105/70 mmHg.
Even though the issue of low blood pressure is not as relevant as the issue of high blood pressure, this condition equally affects health and significantly reduces the quality of human life.
In some cases, low blood pressure may not be accompanied by any symptoms and manifests because of anemia, polyuria, or chronic diarrhea.
Blood pressure often drops after the administration of drugs that belong to either of the following groups:
- α-adrenoblockers,
- diuretics,
- barbiturates,
- dopamine receptor agonists,
- nitrates,
- phenothiazines,
- sildenafil,
- tricyclic antidepressants,
- monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
In order to normalize blood pressure, people suffering from low blood pressure should find out what provokes hypotension.
- If this condition is not a consequence of any disease, changing the lifestyle, diet and avoiding nerve strain may help.
- If hypotension is caused by a particular disease, it is recommended to initiate its treatment as soon as possible.
Moreover, today in pharmacies you can buy a variety of blood pressure medications that will help raise and bring the blood pressure back to normal.
High blood pressure
High blood pressure is a pathological condition, in which blood pressure numbers are always high.
Scientists have long been trying to figure out what causes high blood pressure and they all agree that it is often impossible to figure out the exact causes that contribute to the onset of this pathological condition.
It is believed that the following factors can increase the risk of high blood pressure:
- Smoking;
- Sedentary lifestyle;
- Dyslipidemia;
- Constant stress situations;
- Hereditary predisposition;
- Overweight and obesity;
- Administration of oral contraceptives;
- Excess consumption of table salt.
In most cases, high blood pressure goes asymptomatic. However, you should be alarmed if you feel:
Common blood pressure medications
If you were diagnosed with low or high blood pressure, you should despair. These pathological conditions are treatable effectively. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers various RX and OTC blood pressure medications.
Although low blood pressure is not as dangerous to health as high blood pressure and is amenable to correction by non-pharmacological methods, for severe cases doctors can prescribe:
- Midodrine (trade name Orvaten, Proamatine);
- Norepinephrine (trade name Levophed);
To treat high blood pressure, patients are prescribed special medications, known as antihypertensives. They can belong to different classes of medicines, while being capable of lowering the hypertension.
The following medications help to effectively monitor high blood pressure:
Diurеtiсs inсrеаsе thе vоlumе оf urinе ехсrеtеd, rеduсе thе rеаbsоrрtiоn оf iоns оf sоdium аnd сhlоrinе in thе rеnаl tubulеs:
Саlсium сhаnnеl inhibitоrs аrе оnе оf thе mаjоr grоuрs оf drugs usеd in thе trеаtmеnt оf hyреrtеnsiоn:
Vasodilators reduce the tone of peripheral vessels, in particular arterioles:
ACE inhibitors prevent the formation of the active vasoconstrictor angiotensin II:
Blood pressure medications for sale
In some cases, blood pressure issues requires a long-lasting drug course, which leads to an increase in the treatment costs. Therefore, in order to cut costs, many people prefer to buy blood pressure medications online.
If you need to get a high-quality and effective blood pressure medication, you can buy it on an online pharmacy, as most people do.
Using the services of an online pharmacy, you do not have to waste time searching for inexpensive medicine, because the best price for any blood pressure medication is usually provided namely by the online pharmacies.