The effects of stress on blood pressure can be enormous. Stress is such condition of nerve excitation, in which the hormonal balance impairs.
It is established that our body produces a large number of stress hormones during the nervous tension. These hormones cause constriction of most blood vessels, which leads to a significant rise in blood pressure and increase in heart rate.
According to experts, the effect of stress on blood pressure and overall health can be both useful and harmful under some circumstances.
Almost all people face stressful situations, regardless of their social status, profession, gender or age. At that, the response to such situations differs in every person.
During the nervous tension, some people manifest increased nervousness, seizures, fever, digestive disorders, while others suffer from anxiety and loss of appetite. However, the increase in blood pressure, even a slight one, manifests in every person.
Effect of short-term stress over the blood pressure
It turns out that short-term stress perfectly tones up the immune system. As a rule, its action is short and not dangerous for the body. Despite the fact that the level of blood pressure increases, our body responds calmly to such sudden change.
In this period, blood circulation and brain activity improve. Such “positive stress” increases the concentration and focus, improves efficiency and increases the speed of making decisions.
The impact of chronic stress on the blood pressure
Chronic stress (long-term stress) is the most dangerous kind of nervous strain. Long-term tension often leads to nervous breakdowns and depression, causes an increase in blood pressure and various heart diseases.
Since the reaction to emotional stress directly affects the function of the cardiovascular system, patients are prescribed stress test, also called treadmill test, to determine the heart condition.
Stress test helps identify blood pressure in the arteries, as well as the difference between the systolic (top) and diastolic (bottom) pressure. The big difference between the diastolic and systolic blood pressure (greater than 50 mmHg) may be the result of “accumulated” stress and indicate disorders in the body.
Several studies have shown a close relationship between prolonged stress and an increase in blood pressure. State of constant tension increases the burden on the heart and contributes to negative changes in the cardiovascular system.
Of course, it is practically impossible to avoid stress these days. However, you can learn how to keep the situation under control and minimize the negative impact over your blood pressure.
Special measures, aimed at reducing blood pressure and fighting stress, may include:
• daily exercise for 30-60 minutes;
• balanced diet and healthy eating habits;
• enough rest and walks in the fresh air.
In some cases, to reduce the effects of stress over the blood pressure, you can buy sedative or antihypertensive medications in the pharmacy. In any nervous overstrain, better use plant-based sedative drugs.
If a person suffers from hypertension, antihypertensive drug will help to quickly reduce high blood pressure and improve health condition.
Keep in mind that stress weakens the immune system and can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms in time and to minimize the impact on the body.