Neck pain is one of the most common disease states in people. During life, more than 50% of people had at least one case of discomfort in the neck. Up to 10% of the population at a given time need a neck pain relief.
Pain in the neck is acute and chronic. Acute muscle soreness and discomfort in the neck are evenly distributed between women and men. Chronic soreness in the muscles of the neck (more than 3 months) is less common in men, than in women.
Various methods of treatment are used to reduce muscle ache in the neck, including pharmacotherapy, aerobics, acupuncture and massage. Appropriate methods are chosen based on the causes of soreness.
There are many reasons for neck pain onset, the main of which are:
- Strain, inflammation or damage to the neck muscles.
- Wear of the cervical spine.
Damage to soft tissue can be accompanied by pain and stiffness in the neck, as well as in the chest, arms, shoulders and head. Wear of cervical vertebra often leads to the nerves compression. As a result, soreness in the neck can be accompanied by tingly sensation and numbness in the hands or feet.
Discomfort usually increases with frequent turns of the head or energetic physical activity. In a state of rest and stillness, soreness in the muscles of the neck decreases.
Little effort from people can bring a neck pain relief. Massage and exercises for the neck will improve blood circulation and eliminate physical suffering.
If the pain is acute, ice can be applied. Ice effectively reduces discomfort, especially if it is caused by recent soft tissue injuries. Use of tissue or a towel will prevent rapid melting of ice and skin frostbite.
It is recommended to seek help from a doctor if the pain is:
- very strong
- more pronounced in the hands, than in the neck.
- does not decrease or disappear for several days.
- interfering with daily duties.
Neck discomfort may be a symptom of heavier conditions than muscle strain (e.g., osteochondrosis). If you notice the following symptoms and signs, seek medical help as soon as possible:
- Pain is accompanied by fever, drowsiness, malaise or difficulty swallowing.
- Pain is accompanied by weakness of one or both hands.
If physical suffering causes severe discomfort or is unbearable, doctor can immediately recommend using one of the analgesics.
Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) is one of the most commonly used medicines for neck pain relief. Acetaminophen has an excellent efficacy and safety profile. Therefore, it is used to treat neck pain in adults, adolescents and children, including up to 1 year.
Acetaminophen has an analgesic and antipyretic effect and is prescribed to treat mild to moderate pain. Acetaminophen also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which, however, is not as strong as the analgesic or antipyretic effects.
After oral administration, Acetaminophen is relatively quickly excreted from the blood. Therefore, the optimal analgesic effect occurs when this medication is taken up to 4 times a day, at approximately the same time intervals. To treat children, especially small children, it is recommended to use Acetaminophen suppositories.
To control mild to moderate pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can be used. The list of known drugs of this type includes
- Aspirin
- Naproxen
- Ibuprofen
NSAIDs cause side effects more often, than Acetaminophen. However, due to the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, such medications are often used for short-term treatment of pain, which is caused by strains and injuries of the soft tissues of the neck.
Weak opioid or opioid analgesics can be used to achieve a long-lasting neck pain relief. Drugs of this type are often prescribed for the treatment of chronic pain, including in patients with incurable diseases.
Strong analgesics (for example, Morphine) inhibit signals between nerve cells and reduce physical suffering. The use of such medicines in high doses will help to eliminate the most severe chronic pain in the neck.
Prolonged use of strong analgesics is associated with the risks of appearance and development of dependence. Therefore, when assigning these analgesics, the rate of benefits and potential risks from their use should be carefully assessed.
Morphine and other similar drugs are not often used to treat neck pain. For these purposes, Acetaminophen or NSAIDs are commonly used that allow reducing and controlling pain without side effects.
If a person has discomfort in his neck, he should not rush and start using even the safest drugs. Today, the pharmaceutical industry offers various pain management tools, including the simplest and most inexpensive products.
Neck pain relief pillow will help improve the treatment efficacy and reduce the time of the analgesics use. If such pillows are used when the first symptoms of neck pain appear, you may not have to take analgesics.
Use of a pillow for reducing neck pain will allow to:
- Provide a high level of comfort throughout the night.
- Provide a support for the back, neck and head.
- Prevent strain of muscles and stiffness in the morning.
- Reduce or stop snoring at night.
People spend about a third of their life sleeping. During rest, it is very important to maintain a correct position of the entire body, including the neck.
Comfortable pillows will provide a good rest, a healthy sleep, as well as protection from strains of the neck muscles. Such pillows will also help to facilitate the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine.