Modafinil is a drug, used for removing excessive sleepiness due to nervous system disorders. Ordering Modafinil without prescription is also beneficial for those patients, who have violated rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, due to irregular working schedule or medications.
Common disorders of the nervous system may lead to narcolepsy or hypersomnia. This disease is accompanied by bouts of uncontrollable sleepiness and sudden sleep onset during the day. Modafinil is the first-line therapy for the narcolepsy treatment.
Modafinil belongs to the pharmacological class of analeptics. Drugs in this group have a stimulating effect on the medulla centers and some parts of the nervous system. Modafinil stimulates primarily the respiration and blood circulation functions.
The exact mechanism of the stimulating Modafinil effect on the centers of the brain is unknown. It is assumed that it is able to influence the activity of biochemical substances that control the “sleep-wake” cycle.
The most important property of this analeptic is its ability of increasing the rate of mental reactions. Modafinil action causes activation of neural pathways, due to which fatigue and drowsiness disappear.
Tablets usually contain 100 or 200 mg of Modafinil. The recommended dose of Modafinil for alleviating the narcolepsy symptoms is 200 mg once a day. While the daily Modafinil dose of 400 mg is well tolerated, there is not enough data that would prove any additional benefits of this analeptic use in high doses.
Modafinil also helps coping with hypersomnia to patients, who are experiencing problems with the “sleep-wake” cycle due to the shift work schedule. Such patients should take 200 mg of Modafinil approximately one hour before the beginning of the work shift.
The stimulatory effect of Modafinil is achieved through two active isomers: analeptic daily dose consists of 90% of R-Modafinil and 10% of S-Modafinil. The half-life of Modafinil is approximately 15 hours, while the stable analeptic concentrations are reached within 2-4 days of daily use.
Before buying Modafinil without prescription, you should remember that the effect of an analeptic over the brain is similar to the one of the amphetamines. Despite the large stimulating effect, Modafinil has a low potential for abuse, it is not toxic in overdose and is not addictive.
Other advantages of Modafinil:
- gently eliminates sleepiness without causing a pronounced stimulating effect;
- it does not cause such side effects, as nervousness, overexcitement, and others, characteristic of other amphetamines, such as Adderall;
- is safe in overdose, has no negative effects in a sharp discontinuation.
Although this analeptic is only prescribed for eliminating the narcolepsy symptoms, many patients buy Modafinil without prescription and use it ”off-label”.
For example, there is evidence of some patients, who claim that this analeptic is able to alleviate the symptoms of the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. Another group of patients showed an improvement in cognitive functions (memory, attention, concentration) after the use of Modafinil.
Researchers agree that Modafinil improves some aspects of memory to some extent, but these data has not received a clinical confirmation. Other common “off-label” applications of Modafinil:
- combating fatigue, which is not related to lack of sleep;
- using to combat fatigue in multiple sclerosis;
- obesity treatment (Modafinil may reduce the feeling of hunger).
Modafinil was not the first drug that has been used for relieving the narcolepsy symptoms. It was developed in 1986 in France on the basis of another analeptic – Adrafinil. Following successful clinical trials, the new drug was sold in France since 1994 under the brand name Modiodal.
In the USA, this analeptic was originally sold under the name of Cephalon. Starting from December 24, 1998, Modafinil was sold without prescription under the brand name Provigil. Currently, Provigil is the only Modafinil-based drug in the USA, used in narcolepsy.
Nootropics on the basis of Modafinil are available for purchase without prescription in many countries around the world, including: the USA, Australia, the UK, Canada, Ireland, Sweden, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Romania and others.
You may find it useful to get acquainted with the experience of other Modafinil users before you buy it online without prescription. Such a resource like Erowid provides a lot of positive feedback about the effects of Modafinil in the treatment of narcolepsy.