Nowadays the diagnosis of ADHD is complicated by that it is a multifactor neurological disorder, which symptoms rise gradually. But the lack or untimely ADHD treatment in children may cause the ADHD symptoms in adults. Typical ADHD symptoms for children and adults are as follows:
* the lack of interest and attention to concrete task;
* difficult self-realization to fulfill the certain task;
* unwillingness to perform task, requiring long concentration;
* inattention, carelessness, forgetfulness and frequent loss of personal things;
* systemic distraction from the task by outside stimuli;
* anxious, chaotic or rhythmic movements by feet and (or) hands;
* pointless, spontaneous motor activity and impulsiveness;
* chattiness and lack of attention to what the interlocutor says.
Given that children’s ADHD symptoms are almost the same as ADHD symptoms arising in mature age, children and adults are prescribed with the same medications for ADHD treatment. Despite active growth of the pharmaceutical industry, today’s ADHD therapy involves ADHD meds, developed about 60 years ago.
Although we must admit that there are more modern ADHD meds, developed in 21st century. However it doesn’t mean that traditional ADHD drugs, studied for over several decades, are less effective than new ADHD meds.
This statement is proved by the fact that Methylphenidate medication was approved by the FDA for ADHD treatment back in 1955. But until now, it stays the most-prescribed medication for ADHD treatment and its production is carried out by several largest pharmaceutical companies.
ADHD meds that contain active pharmaceutical ingredient Methylphenidate, is available in various dosage forms. Thus, ADHD meds, containing Methylphenidate, come in: chewable pills, oral solution or suspension, oral tablets or capsules and even transdermal patch.
It is also important that Methylphenidate is available in a large scale of dosages. Therefore according to the severity of ADHD symptoms, doctor can prescribe his patient an optimal daily dosage of this medication. Despite the fact that Methylphenidate is one of the most popular ADHD meds, some children and adult people are contraindicated to use it.
Taking into account contraindications for use of Methylphenidate, the doctor can prescribe some alternative ADHD meds that can relieve the symptoms of neurological disorder. There are several ADHD meds on modern pharmaceutical market, which can be taken instead of Methylphenidate.
For instance, such ADHD meds as Dexmethylphenidate and Dextroamphetamine are no less effective than Methylphenidate. But due to the fact that the clinical experience with the treatment of ADHD meds is much longer, doctors prefer to administer their patients namely this medication more than others.
There are combined ADHD meds on sale, each of which consists of several pharmaceutical ingredients. For example, Adderall medication contains mixed salts of amphetamine products, such as Dextroamphetamine (in form of saccharate and sulfate) and Amphetamine (in form of monohydrate and sulfate).
Just as Methylphenidate, Adderall is used for the treatment of ADHD since the middle of the last century and all potential risks for health (caused by its usage) are well known. The only reason why Adderall is prescribed for ADHD treatment more rarely than Methylphenidate, it is big number of contraindications for use.
Note that it doesn’t matter what ADHD meds were prescribed to a patient, they must be terminated immediately if these meds caused cardiovascular side effects. If ADHD meds provoke palpitation, high blood pressure or chest pain, one must stop the ADHD treatment course and tell a doctor about appearing side effects.