Levetiracetam helps quickly get rid of the main symptoms of epilepsy: convulsions and seizures. The drug will be effective for patients of any age and will prevent epilepsy symptoms of any severity. You can buy Levetiracetam without prescription on any online pharmacy.
Levetiracetam is an anti-epileptic or anticonvulsant drug. It is not known exactly how Levetiracetam helps eliminate seizures, but its mechanism of action differs from the mechanism of action of other anticonvulsants. Levetiracetam does not violate the metabolic processes in the cells and does not inhibit the nervous transmission.
Epileptic seizures are caused by increased activity of neural connections of the brain and spinal cord. Inhibitory neurotransmitters such as GABA, which reduce activity of excitatory neurons, are activated under the influence of anticonvulsant.
After oral administration, Levetiracetam is completely absorbed by the body. Depending on the patient’s age, half-life of the anticonvulsant may vary from 6 to 11 hours. Half-life of Levetiracetam makes up to 25 hours in patients with kidney diseases.
One can buy Levetiracetam without prescription in three dosage forms:
- tablets 250, 500, 750 and 1000 mg;
- oral solution 100 mg / ml;
- concentrate for solution for infusions 100 mg / ml and 500 mg / 5 ml.
Attacks of epilepsy are of two types: partial and generalized. Most patients with epilepsy suffer from partial seizures. Partial seizures rarely cause loss of consciousness, but the patient may experience hallucinations or unusual sensations.
Generalized epileptic seizures cover all areas of the brain. Such seizures are often accompanied with loss of consciousness and massive muscle spasm. Division of epileptic seizures into partial and generalized is conditional. Seizures may begin as partial, but subsequently will spread throughout the brain.
Depending on the type of seizures and patients’ age, various dosage forms and dosage strengths of Levetiracetam can be used. Meals have no any influence on bioavailability of anticonvulsant.
In partial seizures in children from 2 months to 16 years old or generalized seizures in children from 6 to 16 years old, the initial daily dose can make up to 20 mg / kg of Levetiracetam, split into two intakes.
Every two weeks, the daily dose of Levetiracetam is increased by 14 or 20 mg / kg per day up to achievement 42 or 60 mg / kg per day. Only solution or infusion forms of Levetiracetam are used for patients under the age of 16 years.
In order to eliminate partial or generalized epileptic seizures in patients older than 16 years, a Levetiracetam 500 mg tablet is used twice a day. It is also possible to take two 250 mg tablets as a single dose. Every 14 days, the daily dose of Levetiracetam can be increased by 1000 mg per day up to the maximum dose of 3 g per day.
Advantages of using Levetiracetam:
- rapid onset of anticonvulsant effect;
- almost complete lack of interaction with other drugs;
- safe titration of dose without negative consequences for the body;
- possibility of using both in monotherapy and in combination with other antiepileptic medications.
A significant advantage of Levetiracetam over other anticonvulsants is a possibility of safe use in pregnant women. Levetiracetam is not toxic; it does not violate structure and function of the nervous system, as well as does not affect embryonic development of the fetus.
Use of Levetiracetam did not influence on hormonal level and did not change course of natural physiological processes in adolescent girls and women. When using Levetiracetam, children of different ages got rid from even the most severe attacks of epileptic seizures.
Application of Levetiracetam is not accompanied with any serious side effects. Only in rare cases, use of the anticonvulsant led to minor behavioral disorders. In most cases, Levetiracetam does not violate cognitive functions and does not lead to weight gain.
Levetiracetam refers to the latest generation of anticonvulsant drugs used to eliminate symptoms of epilepsy. The USA became the first country, which approved use of Levetiracetam concentrate for solution for injection in 1999. Since 2008, in addition to injectable forms, Levetiracetam tablets have been used in the USA.
Since 2000, one can buy Levetiracetam without prescription in many countries around the world. In Chile, the anticonvulsant is marketed under such brand names as the Ceumid, Keppra, Kopodex, Kredit, Levepsy, Levevitae and Prebb.
Besides the USA and Chile, one can buy Levetiracetam without prescription in such countries as Colombia, Mexico, Portugal, Austria, Germany, Argentina and Spain. This anticonvulsant is available for sale both at usual drugstores and on online pharmacies.