Animals have strong immunity, which protects their body from unfavorable influence of the environment. To physiological mechanisms, protecting the body, could work properly, people just have to create comfortable conditions for their pets. But just like people, pets get sick sometimes, and thus they also need treatment.
Pets are prescribed with different pets meds that has antibacterial, analgesic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and (or) antiparasitic activity. Regardless of the type and severity of animal disease, only a veterinarian can assign the proper treatment course. Because pets meds must be taken in optimal dosage, and pets might need some additional procedures during the treatment.
In order to cure bacterial infectious diseases in pets, pets meds with antibacterial effect are prescribed. Antibiotics inhibit the synthesis of pathogenic microorganisms and stop the progression of bacterial infection. Some pets meds not only have antibacterial effect, but bactericidal effect as well. And those pets meds, which contain two or more antibacterial agents, are prescribed for the treatment of diseases, caused by several pathogens of bacterial infections.
The most-prescribed pets meds for the treatment of bacterial infections in domestic birds, cats, dogs, cattle, horses and fur pets, are: Penicillin, Tetracycline, Amoxicillin and Erythromycin. Often bacterial infections are accompanied by inflammation in the soft tissues.
The anti-inflammatory pets meds can be administered for the treatment of various diseases, occurring in pets due to burns, traumas, contusions, open wounds or mechanical injuries. Inflammatory process may cause: fever, impaired metabolism and pain syndrome.
In order to treat the inflammatory disease, veterinarians use pets meds that are produced in form of cream, spray, injections and ointment. The most often prescribed anti-inflammatory pets meds are: Acetylsalicylic acid, Dexamethasone, Triamcinolone acetonide, Nystatin, Thiostrepton and Neomycin sulfate.
Topical pets meds with anti-inflammatory effect help to reduce inflammation, relieve the skin itching and also prevent infected area of the skin from drying and formation of wart.
Antiparasitic pets meds are used to destroy parasites on pets’ skin and inside the body. Antiparasitic drugs for pets are available in different dosage forms (injection solution, emulsions, powders, spray). And the most-prescribed pets meds that have antiparasitic effect, are: Cythioate, Trichlorfon, Dichlorvos and Ivermectin.
Just as people, pets may suffer from renal failure. Renal insufficiency in pets is a result of infection in the urinary tract, cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis and urethritis. The common symptoms of renal failure in pets is edema. But to cure edema in pets, veterinarians prescribe pets meds with diuretic activity.
Many pets diuretics used in veterinary, have anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic effect at the same time. So very often for the treatment of edema in pets, veterinarians prescribe such pets meds as: Chlorothiazide, Furosemide, Flumethasone, Methenamine and Sulfamethizole.
If an animal is in pain, including that pain, which is caused due to any kind of disease (like osteoarthritis), it needs to take analgesic therapy. To relieve the pain in pets, the following pets meds are prescribed: Carprofen, Oxymorphone Hydrochloride, Xylazine Hydrochloride and Detomidine Hydrochloride.