Overwhelming majority of men are satisfied with their sexual life, but many of them still want to enlarge their penis. Some men would like to enlarge only the length of the penis, others only the width and the rest of them want to enlarge both length and width at the same time.
- The most radical method is surgical penis enlargement. Because of high cost of procedure and the risk of complications during post-surgical period, surgical penis enlargement , is not very popular among men.
- In the end of the last century, special medical devices of penis enlargement were popular in the USA. The main downside of medical devices for penis enlargement was the fact that they could damage the erectile tissue of the penis.
Today, to enlarge the penis size, many men use pills, containing only natural ingredients.
- The advantage of male enhancement pills over a surgery and medical devices is that they provide a long-term effect and that they are completely safe for the male body.
- The disadvantage of natural male enhancement pills is that they cannot provide an immediate result. Therefore, men should take them regularly, within several months.
When choosing the male enhancement pills, you need to pay attention to the effects their active substances provide. Best male enhancement pills not only help to enlarge the length and width of the penis but also to increase sexual stamina.
It must be understood that only those pills that are harmless for men’s health can be called best male enhancement pills. Therefore, men, who are willing to use safe male enhancement pills, should not buy pills containing anabolic steroids or other controlled substances.
Please note that androgenic steroids (Testosterone and Testosterone derivatives) can increase the penis size, yet cause very dangerous side effects.
Thus, only those men who do not know what effects androgenic and anabolic hormones cause, may call Testosterone-based medicines «best male enhancement pills». The most severe side effect of male enhancement pills, containing Testosterone is prostate cancer. This side effect mostly affects elderly men.
In addition, Testosterone-containing pills for penis enlargement can suppress the production of androgenic hormones in the body. Therefore, after you finish such «best male enhancement pills», you might need several months to your body can completely recover the ability to synthesize Testosterone on its own.
Best male enhancement pills must be absolutely safe and effective for men of any age. In addition to penis enlargement, elderly men might need erectile dysfunction treatment.
Over-the-counter male enhancement pills that not only enlarge the penis, but also restore a normal erectile function were developed especially for such men.
Often, manufacturers add some hidden ingredients into over-the-counter male enhancement pills, such as Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil, Avanafil or Udenafil. Each of the listed ingredients is used in the production of prescription drugs for erectile dysfunction treatment.
Sildenafil is the most popular ingredient of active the ingredients, listed below. This substance is the one that is used in the production of the world famous «blue pills» – Viagra.
When using male enhancement pills, containing Sildenafil, man can increase the size and toughness of his penis. It should be noted that Sildenafil-based pills (including Viagra) are contraindicated for some men. Therefore, before using male enhancement pills, containing the prescription active ingredients, read carefully their properties.
Men, who are looking for best male enhancement pills, will find the information on such pills in the reviews of real consumers. If you used any male enhancement pills, you can leave your feedback about them on special internet forums.
If you find best male enhancement pills and decide to buy them online, feel free to ask your questions via email or phone call before placing your order. The answers to frequently asked questions on best male enhancement pills will be published in one of the upcoming reviews.