Sleeping drug for surgery

Sleeping medications for surgery are used as some of the main components of anesthesia. Moreover, anesthesia may include components that provide analgesic effect. In modern surgery, many drugs are used to achieve analgesia. To provide analgesic and sedative effect, such medicines are used separately or in the combination.

At present, a lot of sleeping drugs for surgery are available for sale that have sedative effect, as well as analgesic effect in one way or another. There are several types of dosage forms of sleeping drugs – pills for oral use, solutions for injections and others. These drugs are used for surgery in children and adults.


Sleeping drugs for surgery containing active ingredient Propofol have unique pharmacokinetic properties. In medicine, these drugs have become available since the second half of the last century. Propofol injectable sleeping drug for surgery starts to work three seconds after the administration and sedative effect lasts from 3 up to 10 minutes.

Sedation based on the effective Propofol sleeping drug has become very popular in various surgical procedures (especially in minor surgical procedures). This drug is often used in combination with a local anesthesia.

You can buy sleeping drugs for surgery containing active ingredient Propofol under the international non-proprietary name Propofol or under the brand names (e.g., Diprivan). In order to buy this sleeping drug at usual pharmacy or on online pharmacy, you need a prescription.

Diprivan sleeping drug is supplied in vials containing 10mg/ml of active substance. This drug is intended for intravenous administration only. Depending on the patient’s age and weight, an individual dosage is prescribed. Active substance Propofol is quickly metabolized in the liver and subsequently excreted by the kidneys.

Despite the fact that Diprivan sleeping drug for surgery is effective and quite safe, it is contraindicated to patients with:

  • Hypersensitivity to Propofol
  • Allergies to soybean, bean products, and eggs.
  • Disorders of fat metabolism.

The main side effect of Propofol sleeping drug for surgery is pain during and after injection. To reduce the risk of this side effect, it is recommended to administer the drug in larger veins (e.g., forearm or antecubital fossa).


The list of sleeping drugs for surgery also includes effective and safe drug – Midazolam and its generic drugs. This drug contains active substance Midazolam Hydrochloride; it is intended for injections as Propofol. Besides injections, oral or rectal administration is possible (e.g., for children).

After the administration of Midazolam sleeping drug, analgesic effect is observed 1-1.5 minutes after the intake and lasts up to 90 minutes. Just as Propofol, Midazolam can be used as the only component of sedation.

Midazolam sleeping drug is a colorless or pale yellow solution ready for injection. Usual dose of Midazolam is approximately 5mg. An individual dose is administered depending on the age and overall health of the patient. Generally, the reduction in the dose is necessary for elderly and patients with weakened immune system.

Most Midazolam side effects appear when the drug is administered. Possible side effects may include:

  • Drowsiness, confusion, euphoria, hallucinations, fatigue, headaches and dizziness – from the central nervous system.
  • Dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and constipation – from the gastrointestinal system.
  • Acceleration of heart rate, a decrease in blood pressure and others – from the cardiovascular system.

Midazolam sleeping drug for surgery does not contain preservatives. Before to buy this drug, a medical examination is necessary. At pharmacy chains and on online pharmacies, you can buy Midazolam in packs containing vials for single use. These vials contain Midazolam 1mg and Midazolam 5mg.


Remifentanil is a synthetic opioid, which can be used as the only component of sedation or in the combination with other drugs (e.g., Propofol or Midazolam). This sleeping drug is very popular in surgery due to its characteristics – rapid effect and short duration of action.

Unlike to other opioids, Remifentanil is quickly metabolized and excreted from the body. Approximately 7 minutes after the intake of Remifentanil drug, its effect is ended. The duration of the effect is not increased even in prolonged administration of this drug.

Remifentanil provides not only sedation, but also analgesic effect. The use of small doses of Remifentanil (0.05 up to 0.1 mcg/kg/min) anesthetizes, minimally reducing the respiratory rate. Increase in the dosage may cause respiratory depression.

Pharmacodynamic activity of Remifentanil sleeping drug can be enhanced with the increase of the patient’s age. Such patients should use minimal, average doses of this drug or other safe sleeping drugs.

Majority of Remifentanil side effects disappear a few minutes after the speed reduction or discontinuation of the drug administration. Some of the adverse reactions are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Hypotension
  • Dizziness
  • And others

You can buy this drug under the generic name Remifentanil or the trade name Ultiva. The price of the sleeping drug may depend on the manufacturer and dosage. Remifentanil drug for injections is available in packs containing 10 vials of 3.5 or 10ml. Each vial contains colorless liquid containing 1, 2 or 5 mg of lyophilized powder (Remifentanil).

The choice of a sleeping drug for surgery is an issue that is of a particular significance in clinical anesthesia. Safety of most sleeping drugs was proven not only by clinical studies, but also by prolonged use in surgery. Effective cheap generic drugs and branded sleeping drugs were able to solve the most important medical problem – pain and relieving the patient’s sufferings.